
WEGH Group started up the new plant for railway superstructure of Soboce in Bolivia

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Even in Bolivia the prestressed concrete sleepers are produced thanks to WEGH Group technology. In recent days the Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento S.A. (SOBOCE) has successfully started up the plant, produced and supplied by WEGH Group, able to produce over 500 sleepers per day, designed for use Pandrol FD fastenings. In this first phase, the sleepers are used in the modernization of the Montero-Bulo Bulo line. WEGH Group delivered, tested and started up the plant in the short time as foreseen in the contract, confirming the consolidated know-how in both the product and the production process thanks to 70 plants producing railway sleepers in more than 30 countries.In questa prima fase le traverse sono impiegate nell’ammodernamento della linea Montero-Bulo Bulo. WEGH Group ha consegnato, testato e avviato l’impianto nei brevissimi tempi previsti dal contratto, a conferma del consolidato know how sia nel prodotto che nel processo produttivo grazie ai 70 impianti di produzione di traverse ferroviarie realizzati in più di 30 Paesi.


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