
Innovative Metric Gauge Sleepers for Modern Railways

  • Armamento
  • Certificazioni

WEGH Group S.p.A.’s Business Unit for Artefacts for the Railway Equipment has obtained the conformity assessment of the new Metric Gauge pre-stressed concrete railway sleepers, specifically designed for the Italian market.

The new railway sleepers are intended for use in isolated and ex-concessionary railway lines and are therefore part of the infrastructure subsystem that must comply with the requirements defined by the Decree of the National Agency for Railway Safety (ANSF) no. 1/2019. CERTIFER Italia, in its capacity as OIF (I.R.B), Independent Railway Body, recognised by ANSF, has assessed and certified compliance with the requirements defined by ANSF Decree no. 1/2019 and with what is referred to therein, in particular with regard to the requirements of the Technical Specification of Interoperability for Infrastructure (TSI) Regulation (EU) 1299/2014, for the part relating to Metric Gauge Railway Sleepers. Similarly to what is normally carried out for interoperability constituents, in accordance with the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI), all the technical requirements of the sleeper component have been assessed. The new types of sleepers extend the range of metric gauge sleepers already certified and produced by the subsidiary Travessas Do Norte in the Namialo plant in Mozambique, manufactured according to AREMA standards. Travessas do Norte was set up during the construction of the Nacala Logistic Corridor in Mozambique, a project carried out by the Vale Logistic mining company. This is another milestone that confirms the attention that WEGH Group S.p.A. pays to satisfy its customers in a more complete way, both in the domestic and international markets.


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