TD96/2 – 144V: REACHED 10.000 UNITS!
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- Product
The Egyptian High Speed train project, with its over 2.000 km of total length, represents one of the last decades biggest railway project in the entire North Africa.
WEGH Group is proud to announce the cooperation with EICW, The Engineering Institution of Civil Work, one of the most important Egyptian construction company, which is going to produce sleepers with WEGH Group technology and production plant.
Thanks to the Wegh specific training program, taught by Wegh Group in one of its Italian production facilities, the EICW technical team has been properly trained on the concrete railway sleepers production process, achieving the pre-defined target of knowledge and significantly optimizing the start up and final training timing.
Furthermore, WEGH Group is proud to announce the completion of the erection and commissioning phases of the EICW carousel sleeper production plant, in Egypt, which officially starts the production of prestressed concrete sleeper RFI260.
WEGH Group is also able to grant to his client complete Aftersale Services assistance having in addition the possibility to a dedicate remote support via a VPN connection with the equipment supplied and the innovative WEM (Wegh Easy Maintenance) programme, considering the preventive maintenance the key to the production efficiency.