TD96/2 – 144V: REACHED 10.000 UNITS!
- Signalling systems
- Product
WEGH Group is proud to announce the collaboration with the Argentinian Company Luis Carlos ZONIS S.A., remarking its presence in the territory of Latin America.
Zonis S.A. is going to produce railway concrete turnout bearers with WEGH Group technology: modularity, production flexibility, easy to be set up and relocated, and level of technology, are some of the adding values of the turnout bearers’ production plant chosen by ZONIS S.A.
The prestressed concrete turnout bearers have been designed according to the AREMA standards (and the local technical specifications) by the technical team of the WEGH Track System Elements Business Unit.
Thanks to the WEGH Group business units experiences, the client could be supported by a turnkey project solution, from the design of the final product since the commissioning and start-up of the production plant.
Furthermore, WEGH Group is capable to grant a unique Aftersales Service assistance and the innovative WEM (Wegh Easy Maintenance) programme, considering the preventive maintenance the key to the production efficiency.